
Cyber Tools

Attack Flow V1

Defenders typically track adversary behaviors atomically, focusing on one specific action at a time. While this is a good first step toward adopting a threat-informed defense, adversaries usually use multiple actions in sequence—we call these sequences attack flows. Toward the goal of visualizing, …

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ATT&CK Workbench V1

ATT&CK Workbench is an easy-to-use open-source tool that allows organizations to manage and extend their own local version of ATT&CK and keep it in sync with MITRE’s knowledge base.

Workbench allows users to explore, create, annotate, and share extensions of the ATT&CK knowledge base. …

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Caldera Pathfinder

This open-source CALDERA plugin helps you understand what a vulnerability exposes to an adversary and what potential destructive paths an adversary could take within the network as a result of those vulnerabilities. Pathfinder aims to push the boundaries on vulnerability scanning, moving them to the …

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Center Demo: Introducing CALDERA™ Pathfinder

In this video we showcase the CALDERA™ Pathfinder, an open-source CALDERA plugin developed through the Center for Threat-Informed Defense’s research program in collaboration with Siemens AG. Pathfinder aims to transport vulnerability scanning into the next generation by integrating vulnerability …

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