May 6, 2021
Center Conversations: Building a Sightings Ecosystem with Derek Manky (Fortinet)
Host: Richard Struse, Director, Center for Threat-Informed Defense
Guest: Derek Manky, Chief of Security Insights and Global Threat Alliances, Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs
As a vital piece of advancing threat-informed defense is ensuring that we have the most accurate and up-to-date understanding of adversary behavior, the Center for Threat-Informed Defense launched the Sightings Ecosystem project, which collects and analyzes reports of MITRE ATT&CK® techniques observed in the wild.
In this Center Conversation, Derek Manky, Chief of Security Insights and Global Threat Alliances at Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs, and Richard Struse, Director of the Center for Threat-Informed Defense, discuss the Sightings Ecosystem and more broadly, why data sharing and collaboration is key to ensuring stronger cybersecurity operations.