
Center Conversations: Bridging VERIS and ATT&CK to Improve Incident Classification

Center Conversations: Bridging VERIS and ATT&CK to Improve Incident Classification

Host: Jon Baker, Director of the Center for Threat-Informed Defense

Guest: Alex Pinto, Senior Manager, Threat Intel Cybersecurity Consulting, Verizon Business Group

Guest: Phil Langlois, Senior Principal, Threat Intel Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, Verizon Business Group

Guest: Tiffany Bergeron, Principal, Cybersecurity Engineer, MITRE

The Center for Threat-Informed Defense collaborated with Verizon and Siemens to combine the common language of ATT&CK with the incident model of VERIS. Bridging these two communities enables improved understanding of incidents and threats.

In this Center Conversation, Alex Pinto and Phil Langlois (Verizon Business Group), and Jon Baker and Tiffany Bergeron from the Center discuss how this project empowers defenders to efficiently tie adversary TTPs to their real-world impact by connecting ATT&CK-based threat intel to VERIS-based incident reports.