August 31, 2023
ATT&CK Sync Hands-on Demonstration
Sync Up With ATT&CK Sync! ATT&CK Sync improves the process of staying up to date with MITRE ATT&CK®. As ATT&CK releases two new versions per year, tracking each release and staying in sync had created churn and tedious work. ATT&CK Sync will now help keeping up to date far easier!
We created ATT&CK Sync to improve our own team’s ability to keep projects fresh and relevant, and quickly learned there was a need across the ATT&CK community to keep up to date. As with all our resources, those that make up ATT&CK Sync are open-sourced, freely available, and applicable to any organization that relies on ATT&CK. Read our blog and get started with ATT&CK Sync.